Privacy policy

Your privacy

Personal data are carefully processed and secured by me. I handle your data with care and comply with relevant laws and regulations. In this privacy statement, I explain what personal data I process and for which purpose.

  1. Purpose of collecting and processing personal data

Personal data you actively provide to me will only be used for the purposes for which you have given me permission. These purposes can be:

  • a quote for translation, interpretation or editing services;
  • the performance of services.

If you do not wish to use my services or would like to use them on a limited basis, you can withdraw your consent. This can be done by sending an e-mail with the subject line “withdrawal of consent” to my e-mail address

Visiting my website

When pages on my website are visited, the following data are automatically stored and processed in a log for the purpose of service provision: date and time of the call, URL of the call, query (if applicable), IP address, browser used (user agent), the referring page (referrer), success or failure of the call (HTTP status code), size of data received and sent, and HTTP protocol.

This data are automatically deleted within 48 hours. The processing of this data is necessary for technical reasons in order to provide the required service.

Occasional cookies are used during visits to these web pages. Cookies are stored in your browser to increase the quality of the service. The cookies used are so-called “session cookies”, which automatically lose their validity after you close your browser, and are deleted depending on the method set in your browser.

Generally, you can prevent the use of cookies by setting this in your browser. However, this may result in limiting the functionality of the web pages.

The overview below has tried to indicate in as much detail as possible which data are processed through this website and why.

Quotation module
Personal data: name, e-mail address, phone number
Processing purpose: contact in connection with the quotation and possible translation

Quotation module, document upload
Personal data: data in the documents sent by you
Processing purpose: estimate costs; translation

  1. Security of your personal data

Specific privacy requirements apply to the security of your personal data. In addition, the security of your personal data is ensured by applying the principle of need to know when performing a service and providing access to your personal data only to those persons who are actually working on your request.

Your personal data aresecured both in writing and digitally, at least according to the minimum legal requirements. In addition, your personal data will not be kept longer than necessary, unless there is a legal obligation to retain these personal data.

When your personal data are no longer needed, they will be deleted or returned. It’s your choice.

Loss of your personal data

I have taken measures to keep a (possible) loss of personal data (a data breach) to an absolute minimum. Should, despite all measures taken, a data breach occur, in which your personal data are lost and serious damage to your privacy can be expected, we will inform you immediately.

  1. Your rights under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Via you can exercise your rights as a data subject under the GDPR. You have the following rights under the GDPR:

  • the right to access your personal data;
  • right of deletion;
  • the right to rectification or restricted use of the data collected and processed;
  • right to data portability.

I will process your requests within the legal timeframe and use the legal options to grant or deny your request(s). In case I have to reject your request, I will motivate my decision.

  1. Complaints procedure

If you feel that this privacy notice is not complied with, or not sufficiently complied with, you can file a complaint at

Dutch Data Protection Authority

You can also contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority,, if you are dissatisfied with the handling.

I reserve the right to amend this privacy statement at any time. You can find the most up-to-date version of the privacy statement on this website.

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